My journey to DevOps
Pavan Kumar Kandapagari

Pavan Kumar Kandapagari

Jun 10, 2022

My journey to DevOps

If you have read my you know that I have a decent proficiency with python and machine learning methods. One thing you would need to know about me is that I love to learn new thing, be it for the fun of it or because I think it might help me get into a better place in my professional life. This is one of those learning journeys I am taking and I am willing to share it with the reader. I always believed from an young age that "best way to learn is by teaching what you learnt". Goal(/Destination) for this journey to learn DevOps(what/how to) in 90 days.

The main inspiration for this process is a GitHub repository I found while browsing(yes, I was browsing Github ๐Ÿ˜…) called . These are my thoughts and notes from this content if needed please go to the original source by .

let us start with the most important question of all: What is DevOps?

DevOps is a clip-compound word by mixes Development and Operations, as in Development team and Operations team.

While we are at it we shall also learn what DevOps is not:

Now that negation is out of the way letโ€™s answer the first question:

DevOps is a philosophy, DevOps is a mindset of production transforming an idea into a product at millions(ideally) of people can use it. DevOps is a concept used in the application lifecycle management to ensure a synergy between the development team (who write/test the actual code) and the operations team (who maintained servers and infrastructure) so that the end product can be delivered smoothly.

DevOps: Problem statement: When the product or service that you are providing is medium to big scale, different teams are employed to solve different aspects of the problem, these can be put into two teams

The DevTeam handles writing code, designing new features, testing the features, etc., whereas the OpsTeam help with managing servers, scaling issues, bandwidth, security, backups, etc.,

These two teams need to work perfectly in sync with each other for the successful deployment of a product, which is easier said than done. In order to avoid a lag between the team and to deliver the product, a mindset is followed called DevOps. In this philosophy, the two teams are in the sat together where they discuss the strategies for development and deployment and solve the issues together.

Alright that's a lot of word vomit

The next step in learning DevOps is learning the basics of the Linux command line. The reasoning for this abrupt and devastating decision (for some) is a number of tools available for a particular operating system and Linux wins that race by a landslide. But no need to worry I will be back next time with the wisdom I am able to scrape together and share with you all.

Until Next time โ€“ stay foxy and much love.

Pavan Kumar Kandapagari

Pavan Kumar Kandapagari

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer vision along with Software development enthusiast. Computer Engineer with a heart of a Mechanical Engineer.

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